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Why eat seasonal fruit and vegetables from the UK?

April 28th, 2022 in Uncategorized

Why eat seasonal fruit and vegetables from the UK?

There are many reasons for eating fruit, vegetables and salad when in season…


Seasonal vegetables will look much brighter in colour and plumper – the reason? They are packed full of more nutrients when they are in peak season. Although still full of nutrients throughout the year, by eating seasonally you will certainly benefit from more nutrients.

In a time when we are seeing an increase in costs of so many products, seasonal eating is even more important. Less food miles, fresher and cheaper while supporting local and UK farmers throughout the year.

Creativity in the kitchen is fantastic when you eat seasonally – the variety of produce throughout the year means no one gets bored with the same meals!

So, here in the UK we are fortunate to have a wide range of seasonal produce to enjoy throughout the year.

January – February

We have multiple fabulous farms in Lancashire who supply us with a variety of vegetables during the winter months. Any produce which we can’t source locally, we buy from various farms across the UK.

What to look for:

Apples (Cox & Bramley), Beetroot, Brussels Sprouts, Carrots, Celeriac, Celery, Chicory, Jerusalem Artichokes, Kale, Leeks, Onions, Parsnips, Pears (Comice), Red Cabbage, Savoy Cabbage, Spring Greens, Spring Onions, Butternut Squash, Swedes, Turnips & White Cabbage.


We love it when March finally arrives as it means Peter Jones from Wirral Watercress drops our freshly grown Watercress into the shop each day. Purple Sprouting Broccoli is finally here too – we are sourcing from Revill’s Farm in Worcester this year.

You can enjoy all the following goodness in March:

Artichoke, Beetroot, Carrots, Chicory, Leeks, Parsnip, Purple Sprouting Broccoli, Radishes, Rainbow Chard, Rhubarb, Spring Greens, Spring Onions & Watercress.


April brings local Rocket from Peter Jones – a firm favourite with our customers. Kale we source from Molyneux Kale in Lancashire who also supply us with Rainbow Chard & Calvo Nero.

Look out for:

Artichoke, Beetroot, Carrots, Chicory, New Potatoes, Kale, Parsnips, Radishes, Rhubarb, Rocket, Spinach, Spring Greens, Spring Onions Watercress.


National Asparagus day is on 23rd April – St George’s day and should be the start of Asparagus season. However, the growing of Asparagus is totally dependent on the sunshine so May is usually a great month to enjoy this delight. We are lucky to have Claremont Farm so close that we can pop daily to collect Asparagus for our customers to enjoy. We also source from the Wye Valley who have heated growing areas, so we can enjoy their Asparagus for a little bit longer!

Woodlands farm in Cheshire, is another farm we visit for a variety of lettuce in late May and throughout the summer months.

Seasonal in May:

Artichoke, Asparagus, Aubergine, Beetroot, Chicory, Chillies, Lettuce, New (Cheshire, Jersey) Potatoes, Peas, Peppers, Radishes, Rhubarb, Rocket, Spinach, Spring Greens, Spring Onions, Strawberries, Sweetheart Cabbage (Hispi) & Watercress.

June – August

The summer months bring a colourful array of seasonal produce. Enjoy a variety of beans, peas & other vegetables when in season and bring so many more nutrients to your plate. Fresh fruit grown on local farms tastes amazing and knowing it has only travelled a few miles is reassuring. We source local fruit when we can and we also support many UK farms who grow top quality fruit – one of our in house favourites is Oakchurch Farm in Hereford! Their produce is outstanding.

Keep an eye out for:

Asparagus (finishes June) Aubergine, Beetroot, Blackcurrants, Broad Beans, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cherries, Chicory, Chillies, Courgettes, Cucumber, Gooseberries, Lettuce, Marrow, New Potatoes (Cheshire, Lancashire & Pembrokes), Peas (in pods), Peppers, Radishes, Raspberries, Redcurrants, Rhubarb, Rocket, Runner Beans, Samphire, Sorrel, Spring Greens, Spring Onions, Strawberries, Summer Squash, Sweetheart Cabbage, Swiss Chard, Turnips & Watercress.

Keep an extra look out in July for Blackberries , Blueberries, Fennel, French Beans, Garlic, Kohl Rabi , Peas, Potatoes & Tomatoes.

August also brings Damsons, Plums & Sweetcorn – they have a short season so go for it as soon as you see them!

September we still enjoy all of the summer produce but more vegetables are making an appearance – broccoli, Brussels sprouts & cauliflower.

October brings pumpkins and winter squash, quince & good old English apples. Whilst we still enjoy a wide variety of produce from the UK we are seeing week after week a smaller selection compared to the summer months

November & December

As we head towards the winter months we can still enjoy some quality UK produce. Of course, the Christmas favourites start to arrive:

Apples (Cox, Russet & Bramley), Beetroot, Brussels Sprouts, Butternut Squash, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celeriac, Celery, Chestnuts, Chicory, Cranberries, Elderberries, Jerusalem Artichokes, Kale, Leeks, Onions, Parsnips, Pears, Potatoes, Pumpkin, Quince, Red Cabbage, Salsify, Savoy Cabbage, Swede, Swiss Chard, Turnips, Watercress, Winter Squash & White Turnip.



We have over twenty five years experience of supplying the very best fresh vegetables and fruits to households and businesses on the Wirral.

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